Monday, January 31, 2011

Humble Beginnings

What started as a daydream has slowly become my reality over last few months. I have always known I wanted to own my own company but, never knew how to bring my dream to fruition. Finally, with a tremendous amount of support and encouragement from my friends and family, I decided to go forth with my dream. 

I took all the creative skills God gave me and stretched them to their fullest capacities. I struggled and stumbled but after great deal of hard work my vision came to life. Every step of this experience has been so special to me! I have learned a lot about business and even more about myself.

From creating my first business cards to photographing my final designs, I invested everything. Every meticulous detail has been worked through and a little piece of my heart has been invested into each. So after many hours of hard work and deliberation, I am finally ready to show the world just what these hands can do!

-E N J O Y-